Friday, May 14, 2010

Spring happenings....

This is my favorite thing right now... walked into the living room the other night and this is what awaited me. He is saving up for a bug vacuum...
This is life on our little 'farm'... Lily, little Red Riding hood, bauck-bauck, and wingey?????? I have to clarify that last one!
Splotchy and Ninja
My trip to Homer was beautiful this year.... really enjoyed time in the hot tub with this view!!! It was relaxing and I really appreciated it!
More of the hot tub view. It was a beautiful weekend!
The kids and I took a trip to Seward for Easter. We had fun, had t.v. dinners for dinner and hung out and watched a movie after we spent time at the park and checking out Seward a little!
Georgea loved the slide... she's always interested in stopping at a park.
Our self portrait... we had to take several to get everyone in!
Elic on the way up mt. Marathon!! :)


Anonymous said...

is a bug vacuum for collecting or extermination of bugs???? that will determine my donation to the fund.....mum
p.s i do appreciate these new posts luv, mum

Bridgette said...

I'm loving that Donations for Elic can. Hilarious. Tell him to go make a lemonade stand or take a wagon door to door peddling his goods.;)