Monday, September 17, 2012

part 5-- yellowstone and rushmore

 Not sure what these are, and meant to remember the town so I could figure it out... Mom do you remember???
 We saw the moon...
 They were posing as the presidents...
 Mt. Rushmore
 ... at night.
 Checking out Yellowstone.
 The sun was just too bright for Rosalee...
 Sweetpea and Georgea by some mud pits.
 Elic and me with the Yellowstone view...
 Buffalo lounging in the heat.
 Hanging out with Old Faithful
 The colors of Yellowstone are pretty amazing!

 Spooky sulfur/fog/rain/wind moment.
 The weather was ready to storm
 buffalo roaming...
 elk playing...

 Took this one for Dad...  this is how we should travel next time!!!
 The trail ruts from wagon wheels... pretty amazing to see!

 Everyone needs an old mule...

 We went to the RODEO!