Saturday, February 5, 2011


 Took a ride on the train!
 Georgea was happy to go...
 Dad was SUPER excited to go too!!!

 had to drive on the autobahn... Rosalee driving behind us.

 watch for mice!
 going to tomorrow land!
 waiting for 'it's a small world'
 getting closer....
 Mom and Dad were pretty excited to wait in line too!
 one of the kids liked the 'square' trees.
 buffalo topiary
 Small world... getting really close now...
 small world decked out in winter holidays...

 waiting to ride with the pirates...
 oh!  found some pirates!
 Mom wearing her eye patch...
 tarzans house... was much better as swiss family robinson...  (in my opinion.)
 lots of nice decorations!
 getting ready to leave on the last night.

 everyone was ready to go to bed... 2 am is pretty late to hang out with a mouse!
 Georgea had fun!!!
... and Rosalee too!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks warm.... but, looks are deceiving. i can still feel the chillllll. memories, mum